Kerry and Jamie’s wedding…

March 17, 2014

We are delighted to bring you a preview of Kerry and Jamie’s wedding which we shot a couple of weeks ago. As usual, Hazel headed to the girls for the preparations and I joined the groom’s party at their hotel. Everyone seemed very relaxed in both places in the build up. The ceremony was in a local Church of England church and it was the vicar’s first wedding in that church. We were limited by the fact that the vicar insisted that we remained at the back of the church (with a long aisle) as we would be a distraction, in spite of the fact that it was OK for the videographer to stand right at the front and then be a part of almost every image during the ceremony. Fair play to Dominic as he really charmed his way in there!

These issues are always a challenge and no ones fault…we have to work with them to still do an awesome job for our clients. We then moved on to the fabulous West Tower for the reception and evening party. The sun came out during the group shots and Kerry had also brought along her purple Hunter wellies so we could do some portraits in the adjacent farmers field…brilliant!

Both Kerry and Jamie were keen on taking every opportunity for some photos, so we even headed outside in the evening darkness to do some 2 light portraits…

Here is a selection from the day…

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